What is the serratus anterior?: The serratus anterior is a muscle group that originates on the first 8 ribs and inserts on the medial border of the scapula. The serratus anterior is responsible for upward rotation of the scapula, scapular protraction, and keeping the scapula flush against the the thoracic wall of the rib cage.
Why you should do this exercise?: What happens if the serratus anterior is weak/inhibited is that scapular "winging" will result (aka you have an unstable scapula which can hurt those bench numbers). The S.A. can become this way due to poor posture (kyphotic posture, internally rotated humerus), muscle stiffness/shortness(pecs, anterior deltoid), synergists dominance (upper traps), or just negligence. The properly functioning S.A. will help improve overall health of the shoulder girdle. In order to improve the function of the S.A. you will also want to address the issues mentioned above with mobilization drills, strength training, foam rolling, and the use of the helpful eye of a coach (if you don't have a trainer/coach, use a camcorder).
Scapular Winging
How to do it?:
Check out the video HERE at my YouTube page (I apologize for it not being loaded on my blog page, it wouldn't load up for some reason). Some key points to properly executing this exercise...1. Sit with your seat slightly reclined and in a tall upright posture.
2. Hands should be placed toward the top of the steering wheel.
3. Push into the steering wheel while keeping the elbows locked out. Simultaneously think about "spreading" the wheel apart with your hands. You should feel your GH external rotators turn on.
4. Hold for 2-3 seconds and repeat for 8-12 reps.
That about wraps up this post. I will try to keep posting exercises, stretching, activation, etc. that you can perform on the go. Let me know what you think.