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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Blog Post About Nothing In Particular Part 1 of ?

Mmmmmmm hmmmmmm

And here begins the randomness..

1)Phuck Physioballs

As much as I'm not a fan of Muscle & Fitness, I did manage to find a quality piece of information in one of their recent publications. It was on a study conducted at Cal State Northridge on how training on physioballs and BOSU balls sucks for performance enhancement. If you haven't seen it posted on my Facebook page, or the Coval Training and Performance Facebook page, then check it out HERE. This goes against what Joey the trainer at Globo Gym has been telling you. You know that benching on a physioball is good for your "core" (he probably doesn't even know what the true core consist of). It's also good for zapping your strength and possibly destroying your body. Just ask Francisco Garcia of the Sacramento Kings. He shattered his forearm after his physioball burst while he was benching back in the fall of '09.
2)Eye of a Tiger

If you don't have a training partner that has an eye for inefficient movement patterns, then definitely tape yourself when you train. I cannot begin to tell you how beneficial it is. Most of the time I don't have anyone to train with, so I use my Blackberry or my digital camera to record my main lifts. And with my squat it has helped a TON. Granted, I've had to regress all the way down to body weight squats in order to regroove my squat pattern (it sucked), but I am making progress and am increasing my body awareness in the process. I've also thrown in some isometrics from the bottom position of my squat to help with equal force distribution on both legs. Got a little off topic there, but again I can't stress the importance of having a trained eye to observe you when you are training. If you don't have a training partner, or have no idea what the hell you are doing, then seek out professional help....just stay away from Joey.

3)It's All About the Benjamins

Darko Milicic was signed last week to a $20 million dollar contract. The world no longer makes sense. Next thing ya know, Kim Kardashian is gonna be blowin' up my phone...actually Darko's contract is way more ridiculous than KK hittin' me up for some late night company. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Hope everyone's week is going great! If there are any topics that you would like me to dicuss, please by all means give me some input. Thanks!

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